Club Pop House - Beloit, WI - 1941-1973
Preserving the memory! (Copyright Joe J. Accardi, 2005-2013)

July 2024
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Filed under: General
Posted by: Joe @ 3:55 pm

Although I was careful checking facts for Beloit’s Club Pop House, there are a few mistakes that still managed to appear.  I apologize for those and will attempt to correct them in this blog entry.

p. 17
Received an email from Dave Luebke who sent a correction from his aunt Alice Bjorklund.  I confused the faces of Bill Merkle and Bob McDowell in the 1949 homecoming breakfast photo.   Aunt Alice also said that SHE (not her sister Frances) was the homecoming queen pictured in the photo.  However, two separate sources I researched said Frances Bjorklund was queen.  First was the Beloit Daily News from August 3, 1949 in which was written, “The team will have beauteous Queen Francis (sic) Bjorklund and her court on hand to cheer it on to greater heights.”  Second was a videotaped Bill Guelzow “Builders of Beloit” interview with George himself who identified the queen in that same photo as Frances Bjorklund.  So… I apologize as much as I can be responsible for that mistake. Thanks for passing along the corrections from aunt Alice, Dave!

p. 20 (lower caption)

Correct spelling is Bill “Ace” Hanewall.


p. 32 (upper caption)

The view is looking northwest (not southwest).  Fireplace was on the north wall (not south).  Ed. note: duh… I must be directionally impaired. –Joe


p. 42 (upper caption)

Dick D’Agostin spent part of his youth in Beloit, attending Beloit public schools.  He was a friend of Jerry Wood (BCH ‘55).


p. 42 (lower caption)

Ral Donner perfromed at the Pop House in 1963.  He was booked for the show through Ken Adamany.


p. 63 (upper caption)

Girl on the far right is Sally Bua (not Connie Guelzow).


p. 96

Doug Killmer is in front of Lance Massey (not behind him).


p. 111

Correct spelling is Roger Noss (not Ness).


If you notice any more errors, please let me know.  Thanks.

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