Club Pop House - Beloit, WI - 1941-1973
Preserving the memory! (Copyright Joe J. Accardi, 2005-2013)

February 2025
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Color slides from 1954-55 found!!
Filed under: General
Posted by: Joe @ 4:05 pm

Back in the spring of 2007, Ida and Richard Lenz gave me a cigar box of photos to use for Beloit’s Club Pop House.  I’ve posted a few of them on the blog in the past and some appeared in the book.  Among the ones remaining were about a dozen 35mm color slides that looked like they were very underexposed and faded.  When I was putting together the final selections for the book, I couldn’t use the slides because I didn’t have a decent way to examine and restore them quickly.  So I put them aside thinking I would get to their restoration later.  One thing led to another and eventually I forgot about them entirely.  My bad!!

Well… I just found them and spent a couple of days scanning and restoring them.  The small slide box in which they were originally mailed — addressed to Bob Dill, 846 College St, Beloit, Wis. — was postmarked January 18, 1955.  There was also one black & white negative stuffed in the box!  Take a look at these gems by clicking on the following link and consider this a unique color supplement to Beloit’s Club Pop House

Link to color slides


7 Responses to “Color slides from 1954-55 found!!”

  1. Joe Says:

    Just received an email from Pop House alum Dave Luebke. He checked with Jack Skelly, who checked with Vince. Vince thought the 1942 B&W photo was of Gregus and Floyd Podwell. Thanks Dave, Jack, and Vince. 

    Also heard from Jerry Wood who thought the guys in the color photos were Beloit College students.  Any BC Pop House alum out there who might know?

  2. Joe Says:
    In the sixth picture from the top marked “Voss and Frank,” is that Chuck Voss looking toward George?
  3. Joe Says:
    Heard from Chili Queen Cris Pearson Andrews (BHS ‘57) via Jerry Wood that the girls in the last couple of photos probably are Nancy Walker and Sandy Hill. Thanks Cris.
  4. Pam Barrs Says:
    I absolutely love this site and the book.
  5. Joe Says:
    Hi Pam, Good to hear from you again.  Thank you so much!  Joe
  6. Sheila Shafer Says:
    6th picture with Voss and Frank is Bill Voss, and Frank Johnson. Both graduated from BHS in 1953.
  7. Joe Says:
    Thanks Sheila!