Club Pop House - Beloit, WI - 1941-1973
Preserving the memory! (Copyright Joe J. Accardi, 2005-2013)

July 2024
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Shameless self-promotion…
Filed under: General
Posted by: Joe @ 1:20 pm

Hi everyone. 


***** NEWS FLASH *****

Looks like on Saturday, June 7 I’ll be signing copies of Beloit’s Club Pop House at Turtle Creek Books in downtown Beloit, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Later that evening, 8:00 to 11:00 p.m., there will be a “Pop House Reunion” at Suds O’Hanahan’s Irish Pub, across the street from the bookstore.  Hope to see you all there.

***** *****


Thought I’d draw your attention to the publisher’s information about Beloit’s Club Pop House.  The official release date for the book is May 12, 2008.  Don’t rush out and order your copy just yet though.  The publisher and I will be trying to organize possible book-signing events with some Beloit establishments.  As soon as any details are worked out, I’ll post them and send reminder emails to many of you who have sent comments to the blog.  I sincerely thank you for your interest and support for this labor of love.


Here’s the link to the book promo:


Stay tuned for breaking news as it happens.

6 Responses to “Shameless self-promotion…”

  1. Pam Barrs Says:
    Joe, I’m really going to miss checking this site. I assume after the publication of your book you won’t be adding material. I will be getting a copy of the book. Good Luck
  2. Joe Says:
    Hi Pam, I plan on keeping up the blog for as long as I have material to add. There are a few more photos that didn’t make it into the book and I’m sure there will be other memories people want to share. Keep checking and thanks for your support. Joe
  3. Jim Wilson Says:
    Joe: We haven’t talked since the Greenmen were in town…, I just missed you at the “mini-reunion” at The Mouse; like others, I’m looking forward to the book next month and hope to see you at a “signing”. I’ve been able to put names with a number of the missing in the posted photos - we need to talk. Jim Wilson
  4. Joe Says:
    Hi Jim, Good to hear from you. When I get some dates nailed down I’ll let you know. Thanks! Joe
  5. Daniel Says:
    Hey Joe, Any book signings planned for Arizona?
  6. Joe Says:
    Hey Daniel, Wire me the plane fare in February and I’ll be there. :)