Club Pop House - Beloit, WI - 1941-1973
Preserving the memory! (Copyright Joe J. Accardi, 2005-2013)

September 2024
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Spring training
Filed under: General
Posted by: Joe @ 6:52 pm

Well it’s officially spring, though you’d never know it by today’s weather. We’re into March Madness(R) and “bracket fever.”  Also, baseball season is right around the corner.  To celebrate, I’ve put together another Pop House softball team photo gallery.  This group of “Whoozdis?” pictures haven’t been published previously on the blog and won’t be included in the book.  There are many teams and faces to identify, so have a good time! 

P.S. The web site has been migrated to a new server and I’m getting used to some new software.  It may be a few days to a week before I can moderate your comments on this, so please be patient.

12 Responses to “Spring training”

  1. Kevin Schmale Says:

    #3. Chico Wells, Fred Jackson, Don Kirkpatrick, Terry Healless, Marilyn Hall, Bob Weiser, Kevin Schmale, Mike KcKearn, Martha Tangye, Marv Healless.

     #5. Steve Berchett, Bob Staak, ?, Art Case, John Losey, Girl?, Jim Graham, Girl?, Fuzzy Eichman, Steve Hanaman.

    #6. Burchett, Dwight Kruse, Marcia Hanson, Dan Kirkpatrick, Chris Martin. ROW2: Bill Kruse, Lee Scott, Clark Moriarity, Don Kirkpartrick, Glen Purberka.

    #8. Fuzzy, Judy???, Roger Wells. ROW2: Bob Staack, Bobby Williams, Larry Cheadle, John Losey. ROW3: Jeff Hanson, Bill Kruse, Fritz Drager, Brian Britton.

    #10. ?, ?, Carol Isferding, Ray Vince, Craig Reynolds. ROW2: ????  ROW3:?, Steve Graybill, Jerry Green.

    #11: Paul Gundry, Ray Vince, ?, ?.  ROW2: Bill Bue, ?, Casey Singles, ?, ?

    #12.Terry Daughtry, Sue Hanson, Larry Hopper, Russ Bue.  ROW2: Dale Poland, ?, Kirkpatrick, Jim Crabtree, ?

    #14. Vince, ?, Jim Buckley, Bobby Polglaze, George.  BEHIND:  Fritz Draeger, ?, Randy Olen

    #15. Previously named in this blog.  Have a great day Joe.  Looking forward to seeing your book!

  2. Jim Mowers Says:
    Picture #2  FR: Mike Mowers, Kit Jones, Linda Osborne, (Joe Genevese ?), Doug Mitchell.  MR: Kevin Darrah, Glen Olson, Chuck Landis, Mike Meyers, Jack Pohl. TR: ??, Merle Greenberg, Peter Piazza.
  3. Jim Mowers Says:
    Nice work and a lot of it. Keep truckin…….
  4. Joe Says:
    Thanks, Jim.
  5. Mike Hutchinson Says:
    #7 - Class of ‘63 Row 1: Bob Eicher, Kurt Van Galder, Tom Nightingale, Alicia Lernor ??, (Tom ?)Donahue, Jim Schmidt Row 2: John Sheahan, Les McKillips, Jerry Gunderson, Bob Gonstead, Bill Thomas (Comment - Gary Deicker isn’t correct)
  6. Joe Says:
    Mike, Some names were written on the back of the photo. Thanks for the correction.
  7. ray vince Says:
    10 - coach al bresser, steve popple, leon wargowski
  8. ray vince Says:
    11 - casey, leon wargowski, steve popple
  9. Ray Vince Says:

    #10 - myself right side of girl. behind me denny picket, marion grabric.

    #11 - front row paul gundry, ray vince, denny picket, marion grabric.

  10. Ray Vince Says:
    #12 - back dale poland, tom terry, dan kirkpatrick, jim crabtree, dave kunz.  front terry daugherty, __, larry hopper, Russ Bue.
  11. Terry Piedlow Kirchhoff Says:
    Picture #2 FR: Mike Mowers, Jim “Ralph” Terry, Linda Osborne, (Joe Genevese ?), Doug Mitchell. MR: Kevin Darrah, Glen Olson, Tim Chapman, Mike Meyers, Jack Pohl. TR: ??, Merle Greenberg, Kit Jones. Picture #12 FR: Tim Lowrie, Sue Hanson
  12. Joe Says:

    Received this comment from Bob Mickelson a couple months ago… Thanks for the correction, Bob.

    “Your 1948 Pophouse softball team photo has my dad’s first and last names mispelled. It’s Chauncey Mickelson. Thanks. Bob Mickelson. Class of 1970.”

    (I got the original spelling from a photo caption that appeared on page ten of the August 2, 1948 Beloit Daily News. Joe)